AC Sources
Power supplies, variable and isolating transformer, AC DC
- Designed for schools, universities and laboratories
- Designed for industry and system applications
- Designed for workshop and development
- Adjustable insulated transformer
- Output voltages: 0...30 V, 0...300 V or 0...32 V
- Output currents: 0.5 A, 5 A or 0...5 A
- Three-digit displays for voltage and current
- Case closed on top and bottom
- Safety output sockets
- 100% duty cycle
- Safety EN 61010, EN 60950 and EMI EN 61326
The universal power supply series EA-3000B from EA offers a flexible solution to common laboratory and workshop requirements.
The adjustable 0...30 V and 0...300 V AC voltages of the AC output are also
available as DC, via a rectifier and switchable capacitor filter.
The model EA-3051B is a stabilised power supply with Power-MOSFET end
stages. The output voltage and output current are adjustable from 0...32
V and 0...5 A.
The model EA-3050B can deliver 0...30 V AC and DC, as well as 0...300 V AC
and DC. These are selected by an internal range switching.
All models feature for output voltage and output current illuminated
3-digit volt and ampere meters.
Galvanic isolation between all outputs and mains input is standard.